Tuesday, June 7

Pickles Please

We have discovered that Bella absolutely loves to lick and suck on pickles. She gets very intent and serious and just goes to town. What a joy it is to see her discover new things and decide what she likes and does not like. We let her try a little bit of lemon..... She didn't care too much for that. Her first taste was sauces from our Chinese meal. She likes sweet and sour as well as the sauce on sesame chicken.

She is changing everyday it seems like. Mornings are her favorite time of day, so it would seem. She is always full of smiles and excitement. It is almost as if she forgot everything overnight and suddenly sees her surroundings and is thrilled to be there. She looks at Laura and I as if she hasn't seen us in forever and has missed us bunches. I wish I could feel the same way in the mornings!

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