Monday, September 26


Bella has made a new discovery recently. We were taking a nap in my bed and she didn't want to sleep but mommy needed a little cat-nap so I let her play next to me. I was awoken by a warm wet sensation on my back. I turned over and Bella was grinning at me. Her diaper was off and next to her. She has figured out how to remove it and then pees with it off. A couple days later she was playing in the pack and play and I noticed she got rather quiet. I looked in at her and she had once again removed the diaper and this time pooped everywhere. She was smart enough to even move to the side so that she could play comfortably. What a mess she is! I keep trying to tell myself that somehow this means she will be easy to potty-train... mommy's dream. I am sure we will be dealing with this for quite some time.

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