Thursday, January 12

I'm So Full

Bella can eat and eat and eat.... but sometimes we actually get her full. She is eating basically all table foods now. Still no teeth but she can still manage crackers, cookies, ground beef, eggs, chicken breasts, pretty much anything we will let her get a hold of. She eats three or four meals a day. She doesn't have very many bottles anymore. The bedtime and nap bottles are still a must have. Those will be the hardest to get rid of. This morning Bella had some rice cereal and applesauce. Then we had some leftover Chili and crackers together for lunch. She is napping right now, but when she wakes up we might have a little bit of yogurt. She won't allow for anyone to be eating in front of her. She wants food too! She ate spinach with Brandon the other night and enjoyed it. I have yet to find something that she absolutely doesn't like.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, so many cute pictures, I don't know which one to comment on. I can't stress enough how blessed you and Laura are to be doing this together, and how cool it is for those babies too! We need to get in touch soon. Bella and Dawson are adorable! (that bath picture is hilarious, Chance said "what is that baby doing?!"). I hope things are going well. Talk to you soon.
Love you!