Thursday, April 28

A whole new wardrobe

Bella is growing every day. I have started to play dress up with all of her newborn clothes. Only a few premie outfits will still fit her. I am so pleased that she has grown this much. She looks very healthy. This weekend we have some friends coming to visit and I am very excited to show her off!

Today when Granny was talking to Bella, we're pretty sure we heard a little squeal. She is more active all of the time. Bella and I took a nap today and I decided she was big enough to sleep with me. We started out with a gap between us, but eventually Bella squirmed until she was right next to me. I woke up and scooted her back over a bit. It wasn't long before she was right back next to me. Moments like that are what makes long nights, headaches, cabin fever all worth it.

We took a long walk yesterday and Bella stayed awake for most of the walk. She would look around and then try and shield her eyes if the sun got in them. I would try and put a blanket so that it shielded the sun, but then she would get upset because she couldn't see. My silly girl

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